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Friesen's story of non-combatant training is also an example of
strong principles. He begins with his experience before the judge.
the question why I took this stand I stated that the New Testament
did not teach killing and violence. Then Judge Manson asked me
to give an explanation for Jesus driving the money changers out
of the temple. He was not satisfied with my answer and said he
understood the Bible better than I did. He did not pass me for
non-combatant service. However during my stay at the Little Mountain
Vancouver camp they tried very hard during examinations and questioning
to sign me up for the Air Force. I remained firm on my stand and
the last statement was, 'If you join the Air Force you can stay
in Canada but if you insist on noncombatant service, it is only
an active overseas service.' I said this was fine and what I wanted.”
could not be tempted to betray his beliefs. He knew that he wanted
to do some meaningful service in the medical corps. As it turned
out, his experience was a good one.
thought it was a wonderful experience and has added much to my
later life. At no time were we ever asked to take a rifle. We
were mixed with other army personnel in every respect except during
rifle training when we used stretchers instead. Took basic training
in Peterboro, Ont. Was not sent overseas after the training because
I had stated I was of German origin. Put on an N.C.O. [Non-Commissioned
Officer] course however was called or rather the whole school
was called overseas. After completing my vacation at home I was
left because of origin again. Was asked to take a shoe-maker course
which I did. This increased my pay upon completion. However did
not serve as a shoe-maker but was called for overseas draft and
sent this time. Was in England (6 day boat trip) about 2 or 3
weeks, then sent to Holland through France in about April 1945.
Was called to front lines the day the war ended in Germany. Returned
to Holland for regrouping for occupational duties since I did
not have enough points to return home. However anyone signing
up for Japan could leave. After a month of waiting was sent to
Oldenburgh, Germany with the 6th Canadian Field Dressing Station
and served there for almost a year as interpreter for local needs
and in charge of 16 Germans working for us.” [MHC, 1015-17]
though he was a pacifist, Friesen performed his duties so well that
he was promoted to Lance Corporal.
McCrae wrote one of Canada 's most famous poems. During the First
World War he served courageously as a doctor, treating the wounded
and dying. Near the end of the war, McCrae died. During the Second
World War, 107 medical officers lost their lives. At least two of
these were Mennonite COs. Isaac Lehn
was twenty years old and a member of the Leamington (Ontario) United
Mennonite Church. As part of the Medical Corps, he followed the
troops in the Allied invasion of western Europe. He was killed on
26 January 1945. Another volunteer, Henry
Doerksen of Morden, Manitoba, died on 3 March 1945. These men
were among the 107 deaths in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
additional medical corps documents.
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