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to farming, more conscientious objectors were employed in essential
industries than in any other area. Like farming, however, this is
an area where it is sometimes difficult to get information. With
the forestry camp workers, the public knew who the men were and
why they were working. In a factory, however, the only difference
between a CO and a regular worker was that part of the CO's wage
went to the Red Cross.
of this industrial work was so important that even if a worker wanted
to join the army, he might not be allowed. Likewise, if a CO was
already working in a factory and wanted to do other alternative
service, he might have to stay in his position until the end of
the war. In other cases, a CO could be transferred a number of times
to more essential projects.
J. Martens, for example, wore a number of different hats during
the war. He started out in May 1942 at a forestry camp on Vancouver
Island. There he had a road construction assignment. After only
a short time, he left for a new assignment.
farming for T.M. Edwards on Prairie Central Road in Chilliwack
was my new assignment [beginning] in June 1942. Besides milking
twice a day, we cleared three acres of bush. With blasting, it
was always a challenge to get out quickly after lighting the fuse.
I am very thankful for my parents' prayers during that time."
than a year later, he returned home to Alberta.
April 1943, my service changed to dryland farming for Mr. Ewing
at Readymade, AB, near Coaldale."
A store in Rosenort, Manitoba, where a CO could have worked |
that year he moved to Calgary.
was transferred to the Union Meat Packing Plant, Calgary, in September
1943. I got $35.00 a month and paid $20 monthly for rent."
stayed under the alternative service program until 20 March 1946.
[ASP, 122-123]
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