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serving in a hospital was not easy work, some men felt called to
volunteer. Nick Neufeld, for example, worked actively behind the
scenes to make sure he was assigned to hospital work.
may be of interest that when I received my call in 1943 I immediately
wrote to both the board and to Dr. Schulz, director of psychiatric
services in Manitoba, expressing my desire to serve my country,
and my willingness to take on duties at the Mental Hospital. At
my interview, Judge Adamson had my letter at hand and quoted from
it. He seemed favourably impressed when I told him that I had
already contacted Dr. Schulz.”
judge assigned Neufeld to the mental institution in Brandon, Manitoba.
were about 20 of us COs at Brandon at our maximum, although there
were fewer when I first arrived. To a large extent the work was
similar to that which any ward aid would do: dressing, feeding,
cleaning, and entertaining the patients…. I worked in the Male
Hospital , a small ward with bedridden patients and under relatively
close supervision by medical and nursing staff.”
like most other COs serving in hospitals, also worked in the tuberculosis
ward. Tuberculosis was a dangerous infectious disease, so workers
had to be careful.
worked in the TB ward, a semi-isolated ward with mental patients
infected with TB. We attendants wore launderable whites on this
ward, and wore surgical masks when in close contact with the patients,
as when we were feeding them. These patients had special diets,
and I remember making gallons of eggnog for them. One Eskimo patient,
less than five feet tall and speaking no English, once embraced
me in what I thought was friendly fashion, and then with astonishing
strength held me close to him and bit me on the chest. I carried
the bruise of his tooth marks on my epidermis [skin] for about
a month, to the amusement of my fellow workers.”
COs at the Manitoba School in Portage la Prairie |
the insane asylums of the nineteenth century, Manitoba 's mental
hospitals attempted to treat the patients instead of just isolating
were divided into two groups: those undergoing active therapy
to cure their illness, and those considered to be chronic cases,
not amenable to treatment. Insulin shock was used as treatment
on one ward. Insulin was used to reduce blood sugar levels until
the patient went into shock. Then the patient received a lemon-flavoured
sugar syrup to restore him. All this was done under strict medical
supervision. Night staff on this ward of about twenty beds had
to be particularly vigilant. Patients might rarely relapse into
an insulin-induced coma, and this had to be forestalled by administering
a drink of the syrup. It was the duty of the night attendant to
make half-hourly rounds of all the sleeping patients and check
their pulse rate and respiration…. Incidentally, the improvement
in the condition of some patients undergoing this therapy was
little short of miraculous.” [ASM, 133-137]
shock therapy was part of the twentieth-century revolution in the
understanding and treatment of mental diseases. Until the early
1900s, people with mental problems were usually locked away and
given little to no therapy. In the 1930s, new methods began to emerge.
Doctors knew that, for some reason, head trauma, convulsions, and
high fever were sometimes useful in treating those with mental illness.
Canadian doctors discovered insulin in 1921. Then and now, the most
common use for insulin was for treating diabetes. European doctors
found that a large dose of insulin would also cause a superficial
coma in the patient. This was found to be very effective for treating
schizophrenics. Initial studies showed that more than 70% of patients
improved. It was also popular because it was less painful than chemical
convulsions and electroconvulsive shock therapy. Today, doctors
do not use these methods. Instead, they use drugs and gentler forms
of therapy.
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