Teachers - Activities - Hard Questions
> History | Uncertainty
| Sacrifice | Service
| So What? | Hard Questions
The conscientious objector story helps us better understand Canadian
society during the war years. The history of COs raises challenging
questions about our own actions and the choices of others. This
section lists questions of war, peace, and conscientious objection,
and some suggested answers.
Find out where there is conflict in the world today
and how non-military people are working to bring peace and relief.
Some examples are missionaries, aid and relief workers, MSF
(Doctors Without Borders), the Red
Cross, etc.
Interview your grandparents or someone who was alive
during the war. If you can, record it on audio or video tape, or
take pictures. Write a report on their wartime experiences and impression
of the COs .
Find out if your school has a bullying policy. What
does it say. How does a non-violent approach to solving problems
relate to the experience of the COs ?
What does a red poppy mean to you? Compare it to
a white poppy. Make your
own poppy using these directions.
Ask someone from Amnesty
International or UNICEF
to tell you about the effect of war on children.
Write and perform a drama focusing on
a CO working for a farmer whose son is in the army
an angry crowd confronting some COs
“Hard Questions” section can help students:
understand and value the contributions communities
and the lessons of diversity and culture tolerance
learn how people interact with others who have different
make decisions that reflect fairness and equality
in their interactions with others
use a variety of strategies to resolve conflicts
peacefully and fairly
develop critical and creative thinking
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of solutions
to a problem
draw conclusions based on research and evidence
evaluate personal assumptions based on new information
and ideas
distinguish fact from opinion and interpretation
compare diverse perspectives in a variety of information
improve communication skills
listen to others to understand their perspective
use language that is respectful of human diversity
persuasively express differing viewpoints regarding
an issue
elicit and clarify questions and ideas in discussions
articulate their beliefs and perspectives on issues
promote diversity and tolerance for people with different
> History | Uncertainty
| Sacrifice | Service
| So What? | Hard Questions