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a hard day of work, the conscientious objectors in work camps had
their evenings free. When he worked at Clear Lake in Riding Mountain
National Park, John C. Klassen remembers that the evenings were
“spent visiting, doing laundry, hair cutting, group singing, and
spiritual devotions.” [ASM, 23-29] Some of these, like
doing laundry, seemed like work, but the others were more pleasurable.
The alternative service officials knew that the men needed some
form of relaxation.
Manual of Instruction for alternative service work camps
noted that, “as the liberties of these men are more restricted than
in an ordinary construction camp, consideration must be given to
recreational facilities and, if possible, a site selected where
baseball, football, or other games may be played.” Many men did
enjoy sports, but not every camp had the required facilities, especially
the more remote forestry camps. Singing,
however, could be done anywhere. So, as Klassen noted, one of the
popular free-time activities was singing and making
took many forms. Some formed quartets or other small groups. In
larger camps, choirs were organized. The assortment of musical instruments
varied from camp to camp. Peter G. Dueck worked at Kootenay National
Park in BC.
Sunday mornings, we had our own worship services. Some of us had
our first experience at leading a worship service or even preaching.
Others had brought their musical instruments: violins, guitars,
mandolins, and accordions.” [ASP, 55]
together, this group of instruments would have had a unique sound.
Each camp had its share of musicians. Sometimes these talents served
a social purpose beyond mere relaxation.
This barber scene is accompanied by a three-piece orchestra. |
Alvin Dyck with his guitar at Clear Lake. |
CO choir practise. |
Clear Lake, Manitoba, Peter A. Thiessen worked under the supervision
of Alex Sutherland, the foreman. At first, the COs and Sutherland
did not get along very well, but as they got to know each other,
the relationship became more positive. Music helped to bridge the
gap between the foreman and the COs.
also soon started evening services. At first he watched us from
his tent, but he soon came listening. There were some that made
up a quartet which Mr. Sutherland enjoyed. He sometimes would
request a song.” [ASM, 15-17]
other camps, COs composed their own songs.
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