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Canadian Legion has 1600 branches across Canada. It is open to those
who have served in the military. The Legion is a place for veterans
to meet, socialize, and reminisce. Conscientious objectors do not
have a similar organization, but many have kept in touch through
formal and informal reunions. George T. Wiebe kept an autograph
book when he was a CO. Other COs would write their names, birthdays,
a short poem so that George would be able to remember them. Friendship
like this was the foundation for many reunions. A complete list
of COs is not available however this web site has a listing
of known COs. Some lists
of individual camps at a specific time are available. Many COs
developed close bonds. They even made their own special
words that only COs knew!
Bearinger enjoyed the friends he made and appreciated they were
of the same mind (agreed on the CO position).
Bergen writes that he has gone to a number of CO
reunions, including one celebrating the fortieth anniversary
of the beginning of the BC Forestry Service.
summer of 1982 we had a CO reunion in St. Jacobs, Ontario, near
Kitchener, and another one four years later in Elmira, Ontario,
with people attending from as far away as BC. The reunions were
spiritually uplifting.” [ASM, 55-58]
reunions have become family affairs. Henry Sawatzky, a CO at Clear
Lake, writes that “our wives look forward to the reunions just as
much as we do.” [ASM, 7-11]
COs posing for a photo outside their tent |
Thirteen COs from Manitoba. |
Interior of a tent at the CO camp |
"The C4 Gang" posing for a photo |
C. Klassen reminds us, though, that the COs reunite to remember
a serious time in their lives. Reunions are fun because the COs
can share memories and swap photos, but more importantly they remind
the COs of their faith and the original reasons for being a CO.
October 1982 all COs were invited and given an opportunity. A
reunion was planned and organized. More than 300 men and women
met in the Winkler Bible College for a day of spiritual enrichment,
reminiscing, and renewing and enlarging our circle of friendship
or acquaintances. Above all, we were rededicated in our convictions
and beliefs. To confirm this point, a free-will offering throughout
the day, brought in donations in excess of $5000 for the Mennonite
Central Committee (Canada) Food Bank. It was agreed almost unanimously
that this indicated our deep love and concern for our Neighbour
(Matthew 5:42-48), in that this fund would help alleviate pain
and suffering from starvation, as opposed to war, which means
destruction, hurt, and death.” [ASM, 23-29]
a lifetime after the end of the war, these COs continued to make
sacrifices for the sake of justice and mercy.
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